General information


Croatian and English are the official languages of the conference.

How the conference will be held

The conference will be held on-line, by Zoom application. The link and paswordwill be sent to the registered participants one week before the conference.

Conference will be organized in a way that invited speakers will be on-line in real time, according to the schedule available in „Programme“. After invited speakers' presentation, on-line discussion on actual topic will be held. Participants can address questions to invited speaker and authors of presentations recorded and available in advance.


Authors of accepted papers and posters are invited to record their presentation. They will receive recording instructions by separate e-mail . 

By 2 November 2020 the recording itself or the link to recorded presentation should be send on Recorded presentations will be available on the official conference web site by the end of the conference, namely by midnight of 5 November 2020. After that time all presentations will be deleted unless you tell us that you want to leave recorded presentation on official conference web site permanently.

Authors who don't want or are not able to record their accepted paper or poster can send the paper or poster in the form of PowerPoint presentation or extended abstract.

Accepted papers and posters whose authors do not want or are not able to do that too, will be linked to the short abstract that was send with registration.
