The air we breathe, the air we forecast
Scientific-professional conference with international participation
28-29 April 2022 | Kraš Auditorium, Ravnice 48, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Air quality as an essential property of the atmosphere is constantly changing and depends on natural processes and human activities. At the same time, human activities, health and quality of life depend on air quality. What is the situation today, how much has the coronavirus pandemic affected air quality? What is the role of meteorology in this topic and is there a link between air quality and climate change?

The goals of the conference are: exchange of the latest scientific results in the fields of meteorology, environmental protection and sustainable development; strengthening communication with users of meteorological data and products, the general public and the media; promotion and popularization of meteorology.
The expected results of the conference are closer interdisciplinary cooperation of meteorologists with users from all areas of social and economic activities viewed through the prism of sustainable development and air quality improvement.
- Meteorologists, climatologists and other experts
- High-school graduates and graduating degree students
- Representatives of the media
- Representatives of public authorities
- Representatives of companies
- The general public
- Users of meteorological information
First call
