Croatian Meteorological Journal

Scientific journal Croatian Meteorological Journal succeeds the scientific journal "Rasprave", which has been published regularly since 1982. Before the year 1982 journal had been published as professional one under the title "Rasprave i prikazi" (established in 1957).

Croatian Meteorological Journal publishes scientific and professonal papers in the field of meteorology and related activities.

Since 1990 the publisher of the Croatian Meteorological Journal has been the Croatian Meteorological Society. As a result few improvements could be noticed: number of papers written in English, number of international reviewers and international exchange increased. Since 1991 the Croatian Meteorological Journal has appeared in two secondary publications (Elsevier/Geo abstracts and Meteorological and Geoastrophisical Abstracts).

We regularly receive the most important national and 20 international journals in the exchange. The Journal is sent on 70 international and 75 national addresses.

It is intention of the editorial board to improve the Journal by:

  • more papers written on English
  • more international authors
  • more international reviewers
  • better technical quality.

If you are interested in receiving the Journal or submit the paper we will be glad to help you.

Croatian meteorological journal on the portal of scientific journals of Croatia - hrčak.

Chief Editor

Assistant Editor

  • Krešo Pandžić

Editorial Board

  • Tanja Likso
  • Krešo Pandžić
  • Branko Grisogono
  • Katarina Stanković
  • Goran Gašparac
  • Antun Marki
  • Vinko Šoljan
  • Ivan Toman


Abstracted in:

  • Scopus
  • Zugänge der Bibliotheke des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
  • Geobase
  • Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts
  • Elsevier/Geoabstracts
  • Abstracts Journal VINITI

Journal is subsidized by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports


Mailing Address

Tanja Likso

Croatian Meteorological Journal

Ravnice 48 (DHMZ), 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska