Knjige i monografije |
The Oxford Handbook of Non-Synoptic Wind Storms |
Horia Hangan, Ahsan Kareem, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2021. 625 str. |
Agroklimatski atlas Hrvatske za razdoblje 1991- 2020. |
Vučetić, V. i Anić, M. i sur., 2021: Agroklimatski atlas Hrvatske u razdobljima 1981.–2010. i 1991.–2020. Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, 447 str.
Klimatski atlas Hrvatske 1961 - 1990., 1971 - 2000. |
Zaninović, K., Gajić-Čapka, M., Perčec Tadić, M. et al, 2008: Klimatski atlas Hrvatske / Climate atlas of Croatia 1961–1990., 1971–2000. Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, Zagreb, 200 str. |
Meteorološki pojmovnik i višejezični rječnik |
Gelo, B. i drugi : Meteorološki pojmovnik i višejezični rječnik, 2005, Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, HINUS, Zagreb, 655 str.
Vrijeme i klima istočnog Jadrana |
Penzar, B. i Penzar, I. 2001: Nakladna kuća Dr. Feletar, Zagreb, 258 str. |
Agrometeorologija |
Penzar, I. i Penzar, B. 2000: Agrometeorologija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 227 str. |
Opća i prometna meteorologija 2 |
Gelo, B. 2000: Opća i prometna meteorologija, Školska knjiga, HINUS, Zagreb,Dio II. 520 str. |
Opća i prometna meteorologija 1
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Doktorski radovi |
Energija zrna tuče u kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske |
Počakal, D., 2012: Energija zrna tuče u kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet, doktorska disertacija, 106 str |
Diplomski radovi |
Obilježja tuče u priobalnom dijelu Jadrana |
Blašković, L., 2021: Obilježja tuče u priobalnom dijelu Jadrana, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, diplomski rad |
Zaštita fotonaponskog sustava od tuče |
Čančarević, V., 2016: Zaštita fotonaponskog sustava od tuče, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, diplomski rad |
Analiza radarskih procjena oborine |
Jelić, D., 2013: Analiza radarskih procjena oborine, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, diplomski rad |
Članci |
Performance of HAILCAST and the Lightning Potential Index in simulating hailstorms in Croatia in a mesoscale model – Sensitivity to the PBL and microphysics parameterization schemes |
Malečić, B. i sur., 2022: Performance of HAILCAST and the Lightning Potential Index in simulating hailstorms in Croatia in a mesoscale model – Sensitivity to the PBL and microphysics parameterization schemes, Atmospheric Research, Vol 272, 106143, |
A New Approach for the Analysis of Deep Convective Events: Thunderstorm Intensity Index |
Jelić, D., i sur., 2021: A New Approach for the Analysis of Deep Convective Events: Thunderstorm Intensity Index, Atmosphere 2021, 12(7), 908; |
Kilometer-Scale Climate Models: Prospects and Challenges |
Schär, C., Fuhrer, O., Arteaga, A., Ban, N., Charpilloz, C., Di Girolamo, S., Hentgen, L., Hoefler, T., Lapillonne, X., Leutwyler, D., Osterried, K., Panosetti, D., Rüdisühli, S., Schlemmer, L., Schulthess, T.C., Sprenger, M., Ubbiali, S., Wernli, H., 2020. Kilometer-Scale Climate Models: Prospects and Challenges. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101, E567–E587.
Hail Climatology Along the Northeastern Adriatic |
Jelić, D. i sur., 2020: Hail Climatology Along the Northeastern Adriatic, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032749. |
A comprehensive analysis of hail events in Portugal: Climatology and consistency with atmospheric circulation |
Santos, J.A., Belo-Pereira, M., 2019. A comprehensive analysis of hail events in Portugal: Climatology and consistency with atmospheric circulation. Int J Climatol 39, 188–205.
Large Hail Incidence and Its Economic and Societal Impacts across Europe |
Púčik, T., Castellano, C., Groenemeijer, P., Kühne, T., Rädler, A.T., Antonescu, B., Faust, E., 2019. Large Hail Incidence and Its Economic and Societal Impacts across Europe. Monthly Weather Review 147, 3901–3916.
Climatological Aspects of Convective Parameters over Europe: A Comparison of ERA-Interim and Sounding Data |
Taszarek, M., Brooks, H.E., Czernecki, B., Szuster, P., Fortuniak, K., 2018. Climatological Aspects of Convective Parameters over Europe: A Comparison of ERA-Interim and Sounding Data. Journal of Climate 31, 4281–4308.
Comparison and optimization of radar-based hail detection algorithms in Slovenia |
Stržinar, G., Skok, G., 2018. Comparison and optimization of radar-based hail detection algorithms in Slovenia. Atmospheric Research 203, 275–285.
Analysis of orographic influence on hail parameters in NW Croatia |
Počakal, D., 2018: Analysis of orographic influence on hail parameters in NW Croatia, International Journal of Climatology, Vol. 38, Issue 15, |
Hail frequency estimation across Europe based on a combination of overshooting top detections and the ERA-INTERIM reanalysis |
Punge, H.J., Bedka, K.M., Kunz, M., Reinbold, A., 2017. Hail frequency estimation across Europe based on a combination of overshooting top detections and the ERA-INTERIM reanalysis. Atmospheric Research 198, 34–43.
Hail observations and hailstorm characteristics in Europe: A review |
Punge, H.J., Kunz, M., 2016. Hail observations and hailstorm characteristics in Europe: A review. Atmospheric Research 176–177, 159–184.
The summer diurnal cycle of coastal cloudiness over west Iberia using Meteosat/SEVIRI and a WRF regional climate model simulation: DIURNAL CYCLE OF SUMMER CLOUDINESS OVER WEST IBERIA |
Martins, J.P.A., Cardoso, R.M., Soares, P.M.M., Trigo, I.F., Belo-Pereira, M., Moreira, N., Tomé, R., 2016. The summer diurnal cycle of coastal cloudiness over west Iberia using Meteosat/SEVIRI and a WRF regional climate model simulation: DIURNAL CYCLE OF SUMMER CLOUDINESS OVER WEST IBERIA. Int. J. Climatol. 36, 1755–1772.
Hail Climatology and Trends in Romania: 1961–2014 |
Burcea, S., Cică, R., Bojariu, R., 2016. Hail Climatology and Trends in Romania: 1961–2014. Monthly Weather Review 144, 4289–4299.
Karakteristike zrna tuče u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Hrvatske |
Kuraži, D., 2016: Karakteristike zrna tuče u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Hrvatske, Hrvatski meteorološki časopis, Vol. 51 No 51. |
Hail occurrence in Italy: Towards a national database and climatology |
Baldi, M., Ciardini, V., Dalu, J.D., De Filippis, T., Maracchi, G., Dalu, G., 2014. Hail occurrence in Italy: Towards a national database and climatology. Atmospheric Research 138, 268–277.
A new physically based stochastic event catalog for hail in Europe |
Punge, H.J., Bedka, K.M., Kunz, M., Werner, A., 2014. A new physically based stochastic event catalog for hail in Europe. Nat Hazards 73, 1625–1645.
Hail in Northeast Italy: A Neural Network Ensemble Forecast Using Sounding-Derived Indices |
Manzato, A., 2013. Hail in Northeast Italy: A Neural Network Ensemble Forecast Using Sounding-Derived Indices. Weather and Forecasting 28, 3–28.
A summary of climate averages for Ireland, 1981-2010 (report No. 14) |
Walsh, S., 2012. A summary of climate averages for Ireland, 1981-2010 (report No. 14), Climatological Note. Met Éireann.
Analysis of the convective activity and its synoptic background over Croatia |
Mikuš, P., Telišman Prtenjak, M., Strelec Mahović, N., 2012. Analysis of the convective activity and its synoptic background over Croatia. Atmospheric Research 104–105, 139–153.
Hail in Northeast Italy: Climatology and Bivariate Analysis with the Sounding-Derived Indices |
Manzato, A., 2012. Hail in Northeast Italy: Climatology and Bivariate Analysis with the Sounding-Derived Indices. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51, 449–467.
Quantitative hail monitoring in an alpine area: 35-year climatology and links with atmospheric variables: HAIL CLIMATOLOGY IN AN ALPINE AREA |
Eccel, E., Cau, P., Riemann-Campe, K., Biasioli, F., 2012. Quantitative hail monitoring in an alpine area: 35-year climatology and links with atmospheric variables: HAIL CLIMATOLOGY IN AN ALPINE AREA. Int. J. Climatol. 32, 503–517.
A global hail climatology using the UK Met Office convection diagnosis procedure (CDP) and model analyses: Global hail climatology |
Hand, W.H., Cappelluti, G., 2011. A global hail climatology using the UK Met Office convection diagnosis procedure (CDP) and model analyses: Global hail climatology. Met. Apps 18, 446–458.
Hail characteristics of different regions in continental part of Croatia based on influence of orography |
Počakal, D. i sur., 2009: Hail characteristics of different regions in continental part of Croatia based on influence of orography, Atmospheric Research 93(s 1–3):516–525, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.10.017 |
Climatology of Severe Hail in Finland: 1930–2006 |
Tuovinen, J.-P., Punkka, A.-J., Rauhala, J., Hohti, H., Schultz, D.M., 2009. Climatology of Severe Hail in Finland: 1930–2006. Mon. Wea. Rev. 137, 2238–2249.
A review of recent advances in understanding the meso- and microscale properties of the severe Bora wind |
Grisogono, B., Belušić, D., 2009. A review of recent advances in understanding the meso- and microscale properties of the severe Bora wind. Tellus A 61, 1–16.
Climatology of Hail in China: 1961–2005 |
Zhang, C., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., 2008. Climatology of Hail in China: 1961–2005. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 795–804.
The spatial distribution of severe thunderstorm and tornado environments from global reanalysis data |
Brooks, H.E., Lee, J.W., Craven, J.P., 2003. The spatial distribution of severe thunderstorm and tornado environments from global reanalysis data. Atmospheric Research 67–68, 73–94.
Statistical analysis of hail characteristics in the hail-protected western part of Croatia using data from hail suppression stations |
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Climatology of hail in France |
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Average spatial patterns of hail days in Greece |
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Hailfall characteristics and hailstrom environment |
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Brošure |
Edukativna brošura za poljoprivrednike |
Sviličić P., Jelić D., Đuričić V., 2023., Zagreb |